Monday, May 18, 2009


I am pleased to announce my latest venture (to no one, as no one reads my damn blog!) I have started selling a line of hand picked vintage furniture and accesories (i was going to say objet d'art, but I don't think I can pull it off ) Most of my pieces will be featured at KOAP, the fine retail establishement of my new friend Diane Shultz, in Kirkland. It's really a trip to my pieces in a real store. I mean a really real store. Not an antique mall or consignment shop (or goodwill), where they'll take any old crap. I feel validated!
So when you see the Scavenger tag at the top of a new post and you will be able to see whatever new lovelies I have for sale. Seriously people, if you buy some of my stuff, then eventually I can take the vicariously out of my name and actually get some goodies for myself!


  1. congrats sweetie! I think you are on to something here!!!

  2. I cant wait to see the wonderful object d art ( see I can it ). I'll be checking in often
